Dollar General Penny Shopping

Hello Every so I did a Video over on my You Tube Channel about Dollar General Penny Shopping. my little secret SHHHHH!

So, I've been keeping a secret from you all. If you have been watching my videos. I've mentioned a few times about how much I love Dollar General. Well, it's not because they have a redbox outside or that their sodas are always cold. But, it's because I love to go shopping for penny items. shhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone else. If you wanna learn the ins and outs of Penny Shopping at DG I suggest you stay a little while and read all tips and tricks.

So, Today I went penny shopping and I went to 2 dollar generals. I was able to get 2 shower curtains for a .2cents and at the other store I got 7 books for .7cents. I spent at least 15-20 minutes in each store looking down each aisles. Behind items on top of shelves, and threw clearance bins.

So, Now I'm here to share some pictures and more tips about penny shopping. 

Some Rules & Tips

1. Do not go to Dollar General and ask them " Where are the penny items? "
2. Do not go to Dollar General and ask them " Where are the so and so dot items?"
3. Do your research. Screenshot pictures and study them.
4. Look Through the entire store
5. Make sure you find the clearance section (hidden treasures)
6. There maybe penny items mixed in with regular price items
7. Sometimes DG puts a table out in the front and advertise sales
8. Find a buddy who you can send pictures to are who can be a source
9. Do hashtag searches on social media #pennyitems #pennydeals
10. Never Back Down

So, What are penny items? Penny items are items that are supposed to be pulled from the shelf because they will no longer be carried in the store or they have been discontinued. Sometimes the associates have already pulled the items, but you can always find something. 
It's in Dollar General Corporate policy to sell you the items if you have them in your cart. I will give the corporate number here 615-855-4000 save it in your phone. I urge you to do the survey on the receipt before you have to really call. 

Sometimes you Manager give away penny items, are even tell you where to go in the store to find them. That is a dime a dozen. Reason for that is because they get in trouble sometimes for selling penny items. 

So we are the lucky ones. Be mindful be nice, and be aware.
But, do not allow an employ to disrespect you. 

Make sure you go watch the video for more details and see the items I got this week



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